Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!!!!!!

I'm sure you all know about Halloween in America. When I was a child, every year I would wear a Halloween costume, such as a ghost, a monster, or a superhero. Then I would walk around my neighborhood with my family and friends and get candy from each house. This is called "trick-or-treating."

I have heard that the Japanese holiday of O-bon is similar to Halloween. Do you think this is true?

Also, a fun thing to do on Halloween is to tell ghost stories with your friends and family and try to scare each other. I know that Japan has many ghost stories - can you tell me some Japanese ghost stories?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He had a bad date!
I hear you went on a blind date?
Yes, but I hated it. On our date, we went to Hanayashiki.
What does she look like?
She was not attractive at all smile...
She is 53 years old.
What did you talk about?
The conversation was so boring.
We talked about the theory of relativity...
Are you going on another date with her?
No, I will never go on date with her because she is too theoretical...

4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a question, please tell me the answer...
In America,
Is it true that christmas dinner is eaten in the morning?

10:34 PM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello...who is this? "Aki?"

If it is eaten in the morning then it would be called Christmas breakfast! Actually, I have never heard this before. Who told you this? I think sometimes people eat their Christmas meal in the afternoon, maybe around 3:00pm, but I've never heard of eating it in the morning. Thanks for the comment!

9:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, I see... my private school's English teacher told me that..
How about other foreign countries?

12:26 AM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello. What country is your teacher from?

Sorry I don't know much about Christmas in other countries, just my own country. However, I think most Western countries (U.S.,U.K., Australia, Canada, etc.) celebrate in the same way. If you have a specific question about Christmas in America, I can answer it.

Can you tell me about Christmas in Japan?

Also, please tell me your name so I can give you a National Park Pass.

9:11 AM  

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