Friday, May 26, 2006

Do you know the name of the artist who made this artwork?

This is a photograph by an American artist. Does it look like the other picture?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Joshua!
I was very busy until yesterday because I had to study for the examination. So I couldn't comment this blog. Now, I can communicate with you. I'm really happy!(*^o^*)

I think that Hokusai Katsusika made this artwork. I've seen the picture like this in a textbook of history.

Oh, this photograph is interesting very much! Was it taken just an accident or conscious?

10:50 PM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Sakiko!
Yes, you are correct. The orginal artwork was made by Hokusai. The photograph was conscious, it was not an accident. Jeff Wall wanted to make a photograph that was very similar to Hokusai's picture. He spent many months taking different photos and using a computer to make the finished picture. I'm glad you think it is interesting!

1:29 PM  

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