Monday, May 01, 2006

Trivia Question #5

Where did I take this photograph? Please tell me the name of the place and write at least one sentence about it. Teach me something! Don't forget to include your name and class number.

I think its difficult to guess where this photograph was taken so I'll give you a hint: The name of the place means "Hell Valley."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi,Joshua \(>v<)
This is my second writing.
I think the picture was taken in Nikko,but I'm not sure...
In Nikko, there is a park for monky. I visited there in my childhood.I remember only there are many monkeys in the park.
I have many holidays this week.I will visit Kyoto with my family!!Kyoto is so nice place,so after the trip, I will tell you how Kyoto
is wonderful!Please lokking forward to listen my story\(`w`)/

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is my first comment.
I enjoyed your class very much.
I have a blog,too!
And I often surf the Internet.

I think the answer is "Nikko".
I saw two monkeys when I visited there.
I hear there are many monkeys in Nikko.

I belong to tennis club.
Do you play tennis?

I'm looking forward to hearing from you and your next class.

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello,Joshua! Nice to meet you! This is the first mail that I send you.
I think that the picture of monkeys was taken in Gunma. I've watched such as monkeys in Gunma on a TV program.
By the way,I have a question to you. What's your favorite hobby? Mine is playing the piano and reading books. Please tell me about yours.

8:47 PM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Hanako. No, its not in Nikko, but that's a good guess. I hope you have fun in Kyoto. I look forward to hearing about the places you visit. I will travel in Tohoku during Golden Week.

9:17 PM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello 1-10 no. 8! Sorry, what is your name? Saki.o? I don't understand...
Oh, you have a blog too. I guess its all in Japanese so I can't read it. Yes, there are many monkeys in Nikko, but this picture was taken somewhere else. I've only tried tennis a few times - I'm not very good at it! Are you good? See you next class!

9:20 PM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Sakiko! Nice to meet you too. No, it wasn't taken in Gunma, but I'll give you a hint, its very close to Gunma. You play the piano? I used to play the piano when I was very young, but I forget how to play now. Its too bad. My hobbies now are taking photographs, writing, reading, and listening to music. I also love traveling, but I don't know if that is a hobby.

9:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is not taken in Nikko?
Mmmm...Then, I think it is taken in Izu!!There are some famous spas in Izu,so I think that.Is it right?
This questuion is so difficult that I've never seen!!

10:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Joshua.
My name is Masataka Sakata.
Vowles of my name are all "a". Could you notice?

Joking apart, Hell Valley... We call it "Jigoku Dani" in Japanese.
And, it may be "The Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park" in Nagano.
It seems that there are many monkeys.
It's interesting to take a spa with monkeys, I think.

I play the piano, too ;-)
Of course, I can play now.
But, I'm too busy to practice the piano. Sometime, I'm also forget how to play X(

I'm looking forward to your next O.L. class.
See you next time!

12:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also play the piano!!
Sutudents who come to this blog play the piano!!
I can't play classical music on the piano. I like Porno Graffitti,who is Japanese verrrrrrry famous and verrrrrrrrrrry cool rock'n roller.
I can play their songs on the piano.Have you listenedheir song 'Ageha-cho'?Maybe you have heard it once..I can play it.
Also, I can play the guitar a little.And I can play the clarinet!!I like music(>v<)
Do you like music??

1:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Joshua.

In last O.L. class,
I enjoyed very much
and I am looking forward to having next O.L. class.

I think
this picture was taken
at "Jigokudani Onsen" in Nagano.

I went to Nikko in junior high school's school trip.
But I didn't see any monkeys.
I really wanted to see monkey, so I think you were lucky.

(I hear that we often see monkeys in Nikko...)

By the way,
I like BUMP OF CHICKEN, Japanese Rock Music Group, very much.
You know them, don't you?
They are wonderful!!

I belong to Folk club.
And I like playing the guitar.
Playing it is very very fun.

I'm looking forward to seeing you!
See you!

1:13 AM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Masataka! Yes, you are correct! It was taken in Jigokudani Yaen-Koen in Nagano-ken. Good job! See you next class.

1:17 PM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Kaneko! You are also correct. It was taken in Jigokudani. I have also seen monkeys in Nikko. One time, near Nantai-san, a monkey walked right past me but didn't even look at me. I guess they don't care about people. I do know Bump of Chicken, I think they are very popular with students. That's great that you can play guitar - I'm jealous of you.

1:19 PM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Hanako! yes, I like music very much. I think I have heard of Porno Graffiti from other students, but have never listened to their music. Do you like any American or British bands?

1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Hanako
I can play classical musics ;-)
I'm not only play classical musics, but also other kinds of musics.
But, I've never played Porno Graffitti's.
I know "Ageha-cho". And I can sing :-P
I want to play it some day!

To Tomonori
I also like BUMP OF CHICKEN very,very much!
I'm listening their one just now.
And I can a little play a few their songs on the guitar.
I hope to listen to your playing songs.

To Joshua
As I wrote in the introduce card, I sometimes listen to songs of musicians of other countries.
For example, The Carpenters, The Beatles.
Especially, The Carpenters sings with clean pronunciations.
So, I'm comfortable when I'm listening their songs.
Please tell me musicians that you recommend next time!

12:36 AM  

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