Thursday, June 29, 2006


Hello! This is a statue of Jizo. Can you tell me more about Jizo? Why does he always wear something red? Why are there always toys around him?

Also, Murayama Masaki asked me what kind of music I like. So I will add something to this blog. On the right side you will see something that says "Currently Listening To" and then the name of an artist or band below it. Here I will share with you what I am listening to each week and then you can find out more about them on the internet. If you think you are interested in the music, I can make you a CD and you can listen to it. Just ask me!

To answer Masaki's question more specifically, I mostly listen to rock music from the U.S., Canada, or England. I like rock music made today and also from the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's. Some artists and bands that I have been listening to recently are: The Arcade Fire, Broken Social Scene, David Bowie, Echo & The Bunnymen, Iron & Wine, The Magnetic Fields, New Order, Pavement, Radiohead, Sun Kil Moon, Wilco, and Wire. Other than rock music, I also enjoy Folk, Blues, and Jazz.

Do you know any of these artists? What music do you listen to?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is my first comment.
※Because I am poor at English, I may write a wrong sentence.But please understand it.(´・ω・`)

I will tell you about Jizo.
In Japan, some people says that Jizo was substitute for Buddha, and helped people till "Maitreya Buddha" is born, after Buddha is died.
It is trusted in Japan from the Heian era, and it is believed in China from Tang era.

and...other people say that "Ji" means the earth, and "zo" means a mother's body.
so, people say that Jizo is bronze statue to hold a service for a miscarried baby and that Jizo has a face of a baby.
Have you ever seen six Jizo lining up?
It means
"na" "mu" "a" "mi" "da" "butsu".
It's words to advocate in Buddhism.
There were many children who died with a baby in old days.
Mothers who has lost a child at the age of a baby worship at Jizo.
And if the baby lives...they think so. so they hang up the bib, and they put a toy.

Do you know a Japanese old tale?
For example, like "KASAJIZOU", there are a lot of stories that Jizo repays its kindness.
Do not you try to read?
ヾ(●´▽`●)ノ{By the way...)
I like back street boys's songs.
Do you know?
Thanks for reading.
♪1-10 36 Miki Ryuufuku♪

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for answering my questions,Joshua.
My favorite musician is Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Their music -especially the Bass Guitar- is very funky and cool.
My hobby is playing the Bass Guitar,so I like low sounds.
And I like jazz too.
I often listen to my father's CD,
but they are a little old.
Do you know who are the popular jazz artists lately?

Then,about jizo...
Sorry,I don't know more about Jizo than miki.

12:29 AM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Miki! You are not poor at English! I enjoyed reading your comment. I could learn a lot. At Zenkoji in Nagano-shi I saw "rokku jizo." I heard that each statue represents a stage that the human soul must pass through after dying. The six stages are "hell, starvation, beasts, carnage, human beings, and heavenly beings." Is it the same as "na, mu, a, mi, da, and butsu"?

12:47 PM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Masaki! I know the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I used to like them very much when I was a high school student. As for jazz, I think most people would agree that older jazz is the most popular. Artists such as John Coltrane, Miles Davis, and Thelonious Monk played in the 1940's and 1950's and they are still very respected now. So I think you should listen to your father's CDs!

12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Joshua!
Jizo is believed that it saves Japanese children.
The reason why they are wearing red things is red is a charm color.
By the way, today's examination was very funny! Mr.Hayakawa became happy. It made us very happy. Our class laughed at this story. Who wrote the plot? We want to say to the person who wrote it "Excellent!"
Two of us are members of the Kyudo club. You are a member of the Kyudo club, too, aren't you? Do you progress in practice?
Thank you for reading.

12:51 PM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Hara, Koike, and Sugiura! Thank you for your message. I'm glad you enjoyed the OL Exam. As I told you yesterday, I was the person who wrote the plot, so I'm happy that students enjoyed it. As for kyudo, I don't think I will progress very much during July and August. But in September, I look forward to practicing hard. I hope you have fun at Kurohime Kougen.

10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey joshua.
once you said please go to the blog. so well, here i am.
you wrote about your favorite musicians. i think they're all american, aren't they? do you like some of the japanese artists? me myself i love japanese music. unfortunately i can't buy so much of it at home. T_T
in general i like rock music so sometimes i also listen to bands like red hot chili peppers, papa roach or some others. but i prefer japanese music/rock like l'arc en ciel or the gazette(ガゼット)or some visual bands. do you know visual kei? what do you think about it?
well, i think it might be enough for my first comment here.
i am really looking forward to getting an answer of you.
see ya in school

3:15 PM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello "Aki"! Thank you for leaving a comment on the blog. Actually not all of those musicians are American, they are also Canadian and from the U.K. as well. As for Japanese musicians, I haven't found too much Japanese music that I like, but I enjoy Cornelius, Tujiko Noriko, and especially Shugo Tokumaru. I know a little about visual-kei but i don't know the music so much. The visual-kei musicians remind me a little of glam rock. Do you know Shibuya-kei? I think this kind of Japanese music is more similar to my tastes. Maybe you would like it as well. see you later!

6:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey joshua. well, i really should have known you'll know that "aki" isn't my real name... so sorry for that.
well, acutually i don't know the japanese artists you named but maybe i will get to know them. you said, visual kei reminds you on glam rock. i think many western people used to think like that when they see a visual artist for the fist time. but i think visual kei musich is played much harder than glam rock. furthermore the lyrics have much more sense i think. they are dealing about problems of everyday life although they seem to be very dark sometimes. but that's just what life is...
once i heard of shibuya-kei but i didn't listen to some music yet. by the way, do you know some german artists??? there is a band called "RAMMSTEIN". they're very famous. i know they gave concerts all over theworld, even here in japan. maybe you know them....
well, see you later!

11:47 AM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Anne - sorry to stereotype Visual kei! i'm sure its much different than glam rock. Actually i do know Rammstein. they had a very popular song in America (maybe when i was in high school) called "Du Hast" i think. I didn't like it, i thought it was kind of silly. By the way, I heard that David Hasselhoff is a famous singer in Germany. He's an American actor but nobody thinks he's cool. So I will give him to your country - now he is officially German! So now i can say that I know two German musicians.

1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Josh.^_^
Well, I will forgive you stereotyping visual kei. I think you would like the music. so I'll show you one day.^_^
You really know "Rammstein"? My family used to like them very much so I've been on a concert last year. But "Du hast" is very stupid indeed. So you see, we were right to say "Germans are stupid." *lol*
But now another thing. How can you be so mad to call David Hasselhoff a German?^^ I think normal German people also dislike him. Once he said, he is proud of what he did in Germany. Because in 1989 he sang at the Wall of Berlin his song "Freedom" with this line: "I've been looking for freedom.I've been looking so long." Some weks later the Wall of Berlin was destroyed. Now he thinks he made the German to destroy the wall. That's why Germans think he is stupid. Additionally young people like me don't like such people who have been popular twenty years ago. ^_^
Well, I hope you understand what I mean. I am sorry but my English isn't very well.
By the way, where have you been this weekend? I also would like to travel as much as you but unforunately I don't have enough money for that..... T_T

3:00 PM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Anne!!! I'm sorry it took me so long to answer you. gomen nasai! Your story about Hasselhoff and the Berlin Wall is very funny. Thank you for telling me. Sometimes celebrities think they have more power and influence than they really do. I think now he is probably singing, "I've been looking for my career.I've been looking so long. Where did it go?" Maybe we will never hear from him again.

Also, please don't apologize for your English, it is very good. So don't worry.

As for traveling, recently I have gone to Kansai, Nikko, and hiking in a few places in Kanto. My next trip is to Kyushu and Yakushima. You were lucky to visit Kyoto and Nara recently (except for the strange thing you told me about). Do you have some plans to travel anywhere during the winter vacation?

9:14 AM  

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