Thursday, October 05, 2006

Lesson 6 (Shopping)

Hello students! For Lesson 6 (Shopping) I asked you to visit the blog and write your answers from the last activity. Please write your answer: store name, what you sell, your celebrity spokesperson, and your slogan. I'll choose the most interesting answer and give that group National Park Passes. Don't forget your class number and group number. Good luck!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi! this is gloup6(1-8).
Our stor name is "club infinity"
It's host club.
Our celebrity spokesperson is Mr.Hyakawa! He is king of our club.

And our slogan is "dream of one night to you"

writer is Naoko.

7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is group3 answer.

The store name:
It's a host club.

Our celebrity spokesperson:
"Yagira Yuya"
He resembles Hibiki.

Our slogan:
"I wish I were a bird,
I could fly to every woman."

I believe our group will can get National Park Passes.

9:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi!This is Group1 answer

Pockemon center

Kind of our store:
Day nursery

Our celebrity spokesperson:
Johnny Depp

Our slogan:
Advance generation, savvy!?

3:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello. This is group1's answer.
Our store's name is "takeya".
We sell curry rice.
Our celebrity spokesperson is Chosyu Koriki(He is an entertainer).
Our slogan is"He is curry."(←I made to written it,but I can't realize it...へ(´Д`)へOh no...)

10:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

↑I made the same mistake as before..(((・Д・;)))
This is not group1 but group5...
I'm sorry. m(__)m

10:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is group5(1-8).

The store's name:
Pub Shiori

It's a pub.
And we sell Yakitori.

Our celebrity spokesperson:

Our slogan:
We burn chicken boy,too!!

Do you find joke??


11:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, my dear!:-)

This is our answer.

Store name: KSS (K-Smile Shop)

This store: We will give you big smiles for free.
There are many sad things in the world. We wish we made sad person happy.
When you feel sad or tired, come to our shop!

Celebrity:Bae Yong Joon

Slogan: and, Smile!

Thank you.

3:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are 1-10 group 5!

This is our answer.

Store name:LO-TE

What kind of store is it?
-sweet shop.

What is your slogan?
-Because I love you…

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry.I made a misstake.

↑Who is your celebrity spokesperson?

Please give us a National Park Pass!

5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI! this is group?'s answer.

Store name: denkiya.

Kind of our store: electrical fittings shop. And it sells stove, TV, fridge and so on.

Our celebrity spokesperson: osugi and p-ko.

Our slogan: "break soon"

Thank you.

8:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are 1-10 group1☆☆
This is our answer.

What kind of store is it?
『frower shop』
Who is your celebrity spokenperson?
『Kariyazaki Shogo』
What is your slogan?
『Flower for your heart』

           Thank you♪

9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey joshua. this is group 6 from the class that is never listening to you.... i am really sorry that. T_T
however, our answer is:
store name: Joshua's chocolate factory
kind of store: sweet shop
spokesperson: of course Joshua ^_^y
slogan: the original taste of Josh

we hope you like our shop....^_^

(the homepage is just a joke....)

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello! Joshua!
This,Lesson6 is difficult. Our answer isn't interesting,perhaps.(ToT)

our store name:COOL SPORTS
what we sell:sports goods
our celebrity spokesperson:Koshikawa Yuu
our slogan:Gather friend of sports!!

Thank you☆ Good night...zZZ

10:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi!This is group2.

Our store name is "SAKO LONDON".
Very very nice brand.
Our store is a clothing store.
Our celebrity spokesperson is Kitty.
She is very pretty and sexy!
Our slogan is...
"Loving is Living".

Thank you!

11:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are group7.
This is our answer☆☆
Store name;Koko to Hana
What kind of store it is?;Cake shop
Who is your celebrity spokesperson?;Hikomaro
What is your slogan?;
IT revolution of cake

11:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we are group1
This is our answer!
what kind of store it is?;beauty salon
celebrity spokesperson;Angelina Jolie
slogan;You can be ANGIE!

12:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is group 2(1-7).

Our store’s neme is 『Maid-Cafe』

Don’t you know??(@v@)b


No kidding!!

We think you have been there!

This store is kind of CAFE.

Our celebrity spokesprason is

Do you know her??

And our store’s slogan is

『Welcome Home Sir★(>3^)』

Okaerinasaimase Josha★

1:16 PM  

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