Friday, May 19, 2006

Paper Cranes

I often see these paper cranes when I visit shrines in Japan. Can you tell me about them? What are they for? What is their meaning?

And here is your trivia question:
This photo was taken at a shrine. The shrine has a cave with many paper cranes hanging from the ceiling.

What is the name of this shrine?

I'll give you a hint: In this cave you can wash your money. It is said that if you wash your money here you will become rich!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is my first comment.
The shrine name is "Zeniaraibenten".
It is in Kamakura.
It was made by Minamotono Yoritomo in 1185.

I want to wash my money to become rich(≧▽≦)!!
But I don't know why many paper cranes are hanging.
If I think of idea, I will write comment again!

9:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Joshua.

You often see paper cranes in only shrines in Japan?
Perhaps you may have ever heard its name already, we call it "Sen ba zuru" in Japanese. (sen ba = 1,000 head of , zuru = crane)
As name is saying, it is made of thousand of cranes that are made by hands of people one by one.
And it means that someone wishes someone happiness, health or something.
Well, for example, friend of someone who is in the sickroom often gifts it for him or her.
Other thing, some people sometimes gift it for someone who confronts a wall.
Aren't there custom in your land, like mine?
So, I wonder that it just happened that you see them in shrines.
In my think, they aren't hanging from the ceiling only in shrines.
Please do ask another opinion about it.

I'm sorry to write at length X-(

12:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi,Joshua.I AM NOT Otaku!!!!

That picture was taken in`Zeniarai-benten',I think.
I have been there once.So I know this place.

{About senba-zuru}
One thousand paper cranes is called 'senbazuru' in Japanese.
It often used in praying recovery from sickness.
People who made them and put them shrine may wish for world peace.
But I am against making them.
Because they are made of paper,so when it rain,it get wet, and it fall to pieces.It can be dirt. Shrine's owner must clean up it.
so I disagree to it.
People should think environment.

Thank you for reading!!!

And I want to many students be interested in the English club!!!

6:53 PM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Sakou! Thank you for leaving your first comment. You are correct - its Zeniaraibenten. I washed ichiman at this shrine but I am not rich yet! So maybe its not true...but I am still hoping.

12:43 PM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Sakata! No, I don't see paper cranes in only shrines, but I seem them mostly in shrines. Of course I can see them other places like hospitals. In America we often give flowers or balloons to people who are in the hospital. I think that sen ba zuru are beautiful. I want to receive sen ba zuru, so maybe I will try to get sick so I can go to the hospital. That is a joke of course...

12:48 PM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Hanako! Ok, you are not otaku. I'm sorry. But you are definitely "maniakku!" Yes, its too bad that the rain can destroy sen ba zuru. They should keep them under a roof, so they can stay dry. Yes, me too - I also want more students to join the ENGLISH CLUB! But thank you for being a member!

12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm Maiko.Do you remember me?
I talked with you today and I kept your promise!

Answer:I think this photo was taken in "Zeniaraibenten".
I heard the name of shrine.
I want to became rich.So I want to there!!

Paper Cranes:I don't know about paper cranes well.But I think paper cranes probably means "Omamori".

1-8 Maiko Yamasaki

10:14 PM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Maiko (not Maiba)!
Yes, of course I remember you!
Thank you for keeping your promise.
I hope you will write a comment again sometime.

11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Joshua.

We also give flowers, but don't give balloons.
Though, I have never given even "sen ba zuru" for someone because there aren't the sick around me.
So, I don't want to make sen ba zuru if possible.
It is meaning ... you can understand.
Anyway take care of yourself!

8:56 PM  

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