Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Controversial Statements


Hello! I asked the students in class 1-6 to write their examples of controversial statements on this blog. If you are a student in class 1-6 then please click on the button that says "COMMENTS." Then write your controversial statement and don't forget to tell me your name.

Of course if you are not a student in class 1-6 you can still leave a message too!

I'm looking forward to reading your statements.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


My controversial statement is...
[The human clone is needed.]

We studied about human clone in Japanese class.

Because it is two o'clock of the midnight, I can't write more.

I'm looking forward to seeing you in the next class.
See you! (-:

2:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The picture of Yasukuni-jinjya is very beautiful. It looks with great dignity. Have you been to Yasukuni-jinjya?

Now, it is my controversial statement that Japanese government and JAXA(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) should quicken space developments more.

Some people say that taxes should be used in welfare more than in space developments.
But they will lead economy and technology and therefore they are very useful for us.

Thank you for reading, and I'm looking forward to seeing you.

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I write into this blog for the first time.
I'm weak at using English, but I want to be good at using it!
Please advise!

My controversial statement is
"The government should aid space development."
I heard a story from the person who worked in a space center in a summer vacation.
"We want to study more, but we can't. The government says that space development doesn't have utility, so can't aid more!"
I'm sad. Space has a lot of dream!
I think development of space development leads to world development!

Thank you for reading terrible English!

10:57 PM  

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