Thursday, April 06, 2006


Hello first year students and welcome to the Omiya High School OL English blog! My name is Joshua and I am your new ALT. We'll use this blog to communicate and write to each other in English outside of class. I hope you will visit it often and leave many comments.

To leave a comment: 1) click on the link at the bottom that says "COMMENTS." 2) type your message in the box. 3) click the middle circle - "others" in English and "sonota" in Japanese. 4) click the blue button to publish your comment. Just remember to leave your name and class number.

Remember, every time you leave a comment you will receive a National Park Pass (NPP). Just remember to leave your name and class number so I know who you are.

On this blog I will put a lot of information about myself, the United States, Japan, and many other things. I will also post many of the photographs I take here in Japan, like the one you see above. I will also put trivia questions on this blog. If you are the first person to answer the trivia question correctly then you will receive a NPP. So here is your first trivia question:

Where was the above photo taken?
To receive a NPP you need to tell me the name of the place the photo was taken and you need to write at least one sentence that gives me some information about that place. Don't forget to give your name and class number.

Good luck and thanks for visiting the English blog!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi!Joshua!I understood an answer of your quiz.
I think that this picture was taken in Nagano.That castle is Matsumoto-jo castle.The castle tower of Matsumoto-jo is appointed to a national treasure.
Is that right?

Kazuhiro Masuko

9:40 PM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

You are the first student to guess the correct answer - good job!!! I'll give you a National Park Pass next time I teach 1-3. Have you been to Matsumoto-jo? Its the oldest castle in Japan.

10:44 PM  

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