Thursday, April 06, 2006

First Year OL - Important Information

  • This class will be almost 100% English only
  • OL class is your opportunity to practice what you have learned in your other English classes (OC and English I)
  • As an incentive for speaking English and participating in class we will use National Park Passes (NPP). They are small cards with an illustration of six different National Parks (kokuritsu-koen) from America. Nature is my favorite part of the U.S. so that is why I chose to create NPP. Anytime you participate in class or do a great job of speaking English (both inside and outside of class) you will receive a NPP. Before each examination you can turn in your NPP for bonus points on the exam.
  • For this class I have created an English blog for us to use. Anytime you post a comment on this blog you will receive a NPP. Everytime you leave a comment, please remember to leave your name and class number. I will also put trivia questions on this blog. The first student to answer the question correctly will receive a NPP.
  • At Omiya High School there is an English Club. We meet on Thursdays at 4:00pm. Please join us!!!!
    I am also a member of the Kyudo Club and Outdoor Club (yama-bu). The Outdoor Club needs more members, so please join us and we can go hiking together!


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