Thursday, June 29, 2006


Hello! This is a statue of Jizo. Can you tell me more about Jizo? Why does he always wear something red? Why are there always toys around him?

Also, Murayama Masaki asked me what kind of music I like. So I will add something to this blog. On the right side you will see something that says "Currently Listening To" and then the name of an artist or band below it. Here I will share with you what I am listening to each week and then you can find out more about them on the internet. If you think you are interested in the music, I can make you a CD and you can listen to it. Just ask me!

To answer Masaki's question more specifically, I mostly listen to rock music from the U.S., Canada, or England. I like rock music made today and also from the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's. Some artists and bands that I have been listening to recently are: The Arcade Fire, Broken Social Scene, David Bowie, Echo & The Bunnymen, Iron & Wine, The Magnetic Fields, New Order, Pavement, Radiohead, Sun Kil Moon, Wilco, and Wire. Other than rock music, I also enjoy Folk, Blues, and Jazz.

Do you know any of these artists? What music do you listen to?

Monday, June 12, 2006

Trivia Question # 7 and Free Music

Where did I take this photograph? Please tell me the name of the place and write at least one sentence about it. Teach me something! Don't forget to include your name and class number.

Do you want some free music?
If you give me a blank CD I will make you a CD of some of my favorite music. Just bring the CD to the English office.