Monday, May 14, 2007

(click the photo to make it larger)

I bought this tenugui at the Edo-Tokyo Museum in Ryogoku. It has 24 things that were chosen to represent Japan such as cherry blossoms, Mt. Fuji, green tea, etc.

Do you think these things represent the Japan you know? If you could choose 5 things to represent Japan, what would they be? Are there things that are NOT on this tenugui that you think represent Japan?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello joshua!

I think that FUJI, GETA, DANGO, SUSHI and SAKURA are the Japanese symbol.
Because I often see them in JIDAIGEKI.

*FUJI is the highest mountain in Japan.
*GETA is shoes that ancient people used. We still use in Shogatu.
*DANGO is food eaten by many Japanese people from old times.
*SHUSI is food eaten by many Japanese people from old times,too.
*SAKURA is tree that many people see it in spring .HANAMI is a long-established custom.

I like Japanese cuctom.Especially I love Shogatu because I like sleeping and eating!
Do you like Japanese custom?

See you again!

12:54 AM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Yuta Muto!

Thank you for your long comment! People wear geta during Shogatsu, but I rarely see people wear geta at other times. Its too bad. I think they are interesting looking and make an interesting sound.

Yes, I also like Japanese customs. You said that sushi is a food eaten by many Japanese people in old times. I heard that in the past, only rich people could eat sushi. Is it true?

9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo Joshua!

I think that FUJI,SAKURA,BUSHI,HASHI and KOMA are symbol of japan!

FUJI is the highest mountain in japan.
I think it is very beautifui!
but some tourists throw many trash.
so now FUJI is dirty.
I was sad to hear the news.
I want them to stop throwing some trash!

I like japan .
So I want to clean FUJI.
HOw do you think about this probrems?

8:54 PM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...


Thank you for your interesting answer.

bushi = samurai?
koma = ?????

Yes, its true there is a lot of trash on Fuji-san. I climbed it last year. Recently I heard about a man who is trying to clean up the mountain. His name is Ken Noguchi. I think he is a good person. If people see a piece of trash when they climb the mountain, they should pick it up.

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And KOMA is a japanase toy.

2:24 PM  
Blogger mari said...

Hello joshua!

I think UCHIWA, HANABI, SAKURA, DANGO and KANZASHI are the Japanese symbol.

UCHIWA makes us cool and it is environment-friendly.

HANABI is very beautiful fire. I often enjoy HANABI with my family in summer.

KANZASHI is hair accessory. It makes us very beautiful.

I go out to see the cherry blossoms every spring. I think SAKURA is very beautiful but I like DANGO better than SAKURA.

I belong to the koto music club. Koto is an old music instrument in JAPAN. Sound of koto is very beautiful. Have you ever heard koto music?

Mari Kouchiwa 6-15

4:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think ocha tenpura sushi dango and yakitori is Japanese nice food.
I like these!
I like foreign food, too, but Japanese food is delicious especially!

Do you like Japanese foods?

See you again

10:25 PM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Mari,

Yes, uchiwa is environmentally friendly isn't it? In the same way, so is COOL BIZ and WARM BIZ. I think cool biz and warm biz are very Japanese.

Yes, I have heard the koto before. Its very beautiful. I like the sound of traditional Japanese instruments such as the koto, shamisen, shakuhachi, etc.

10:51 AM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Daisuke Tazawa,

Yes I like Japanese food very much! Its one of my favorite parts of living in Japan - I can try many new and delicious kinds of food! Most Japanese food is also very healthy too, which I like.

10:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think your class is very fun.

I`m looking forward to your next lesson!!

Good bye!

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Joshua!

I think that Mt.Fuji,sushi,hashi ocha and hanabi are symbol of japan.

I like hanabi the best of all.
Hanabi makes me exiting!
Because its sound is very loud.
And hanabi is very powerful and beautiful!

Someday I want to go to a firework festival with my girlfriend!!!!
....But I don't have a girlfriend now. So I want to make a girlfriend.

Good bye!!

5:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Joshua!

I think Mt.Fuji,mochi,sakura,dango and kendo are symbol of Japan!

I'm in the kendo club.
Kendo is kind of BUDO.
Karate is also kind of BUDO.
I know you practice karate very well.

I think we need to treasure Japanese culture.
Japanese culture is falling.
Because western culture came to Japan.
Western culture is good.
But Japanese culture is also good.
We need keep Japanese culture.


10:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello joshua!

I think that Fuji,hashi,sushi,sakura and sensu are the Japanese symbol.

I think that kimono and castles are also Japanese symbol.
Kimono is beautiful.
Castles was built about 400 years ago. Have you been to Osaka-castle,Himeji-castle?

11:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Joshua!

I think NISSAN skylineGT-R,TOYOTA 2000GT,HONDA NSX,SUBARU360,and MAZDA EUNOS roadstar are the symbolic cars of's joke!
But I really think they are very great cars.

Actually,I think old temples and houses,KIMONO,WASHI,HIRAGANA・KATAKANA,and Japanese garden are the symbols of Japan.
They have Japanese own mood.

I am always moved when I see old Japanese things like them because the techniques of old Japanese craftsman are very very fantastic!
I think they were very clever.
I want to be like them and change the future with my idea and technique!

12:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Joshua!

I think Mt.Fuji,mochi,sakura,dango and kendo are symbol of Japan!

Good Bye!

4:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for your lesson.
Your class is very fun.
How are you?

I think Mt.Fuji,mochi,sakura,dango,zyudou and kendo are symbol of Japan!

See you!

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello joshua!

Thank you for your lesson.

FUJI is beautiful mountain!
but,there is a lot of trush.

Japanese custom is very good!

See you again!

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Joshua!

I think Mt.FUJI,SAKURA,HAIKU,NIHONTO,and TENSHU are symbol of Japan.

HAIKU is the shortest poetry in the world.
NIHONTO is a sharp and beautiful sword.
TENSHU is commonly the biggest tower in Japanese castle.
But existing TENSHU is only 12.
Almost all TENSHU is rebuilt.

I like Japan.So I want to leave Japanese symbol in coming ages.

Good bye!

1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think ocha,ume,sake,tenpura,and dango are good for represent Japan.

First of all, ocha is a japanese famous drink. And it's astringent.
Ume is sour.
Sake is very nice.I like it very much!!
Tenpura is my favorite food. It's oilly.
Dango is sweet Japanese-style confectionery.It often has three balls.

Japan is Samurai's country. So I love Japan.

See you. again!

1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think geta,hanabi,dango,uchiwa and fuji is the Japanese symbol.

Geta is kind of shoes. It's still used in many places.

Hanabi is very beautiful. I like it very much.

Dango is Japanese confectionery. It has various tastes.

Uchiwa is useful in summer. we use it to get cool.

Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan. It is very forceful.

I like those Japanese things. Do you like them?

2:26 PM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Junya,

There will be hanabi festivals in August, right? So you have to find a girlfriend soon!

Good luck!!!!

10:18 AM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Matasaburo Fukutomi,


What kinds of Japanese culture are disappearing? What kind of Japanese culture do you want to save the most?

10:20 AM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Shin-ichiro Egashira,

Yes, I like Japanese castles too. I have been to Osaka-jo and Himeji-jo. Himeji is very beautiful, but I didn't like Osaka-jo because there is an elevator on the outside and the inside is a museum. My favorite castle is Matsumoto-jo because it is so old. It is hard to find old castles and buildings in Japan. Most are new and made of concrete.

10:22 AM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Kentaro Yamaguchi,

Ha ha, you like cars! Of course you are joking, but maybe for many foreigners cars are the only thing they know about Japan.

I also think hiragana and katakana are symbols of Japan. When I went to Korea, I missed seeing kana. When I returned to Japan I was happy to see kana everywhere and felt comfortable again.

10:25 AM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Kei Kamiya,

What Japanese customs do you think are good? Are there any Japanese customs that you don't like?

10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Joshua!

Hanabi festivals take place in August!
So I must find girlfriend by the festivals.....
Please give me advices!!

Good bye!!

4:10 PM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...


You have to talk to many girls everyday! Don't be shy! Tomorrow is the Sports Festival at Omiya High School, so you have many chances to talk with girl students! Good luck!!!!

9:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello!Your class is very fan.

I want to go to Matumoto-jyo. It is also called karasu-jyo. Karasu means crow in English.

See you!!

9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Joshua.
I think FUJI SUSHI DANGO MOCHI and SAKURA are the Japanese symbol. FUJI is the highest mountain in Japan.SUSHI DANGO and MOCHI are very dericious Japanese foods. SAKURA is very beautiful flower.
see you again.

8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello joshua

We think Japan sinboru is fuji,bushi,ocha,maikohan and tokyo.

thank you.

1:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Joshua!
This is my first typing.

I think that FUJI,UCHIWA, SUSHI and SAMURAI are the Japanese symbol.

FUJI is the most beautiful
mountain in Japan.

UCHIWA is useful during the summer.
It is used to get cool.

SUSHI is eaten by many people.
It is delicious.So I like it.

SAMURAI is Japaneae soldier.
I want to be it!

Do you like SAMURAI?

See you again!

8:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Joshua!

I think kimono,soba,sakura,sushi and ocha are symbol of Japan!

I`m looking forward to your next lesson!!
Good Bye!

2:06 PM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Kawahara and Kanbara,

Thanks for your comment, but next time please write your comment separately, not together.

You said "maikohan." Do you mean maiko who are practicing to be geisha? maiko-chan?

9:14 AM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Yoshitaka Kawahara,

Hello. I'm not particularly interested in samurai, but I have read a book about Saigo Takamori and I have watched Kurosawa's "Shichi-nin no Samurai." Its a great movie!

9:15 AM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Emi,

I think you are one of the first students from class 9 to leave a comment. Good job!

9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Joshua!

This is my first time to type a comment.
I'm a little nervous.

Mt.Fuji,SAKURA,DANGO,chopsticks and sushi are symbol of Japan.
But I like DANGO the best!

OSECHI is also symbol of Japan.
We eat it for the New Year becase each food in OSECHI has a special meaning.
For example,KAZUNOKO is a symbol of fertility.

I like Japanese culture very much.

See you!

4:54 PM  
Blogger Joshua Powell said...

Hello Mami,

Thank you for your comment! I never had a chance to try osechi. Someday I want to try it!

10:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:50 AM  

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